Orlando Pirates player Thembinkosi Lorch return

Lorch returns after renewed commitment to Pirates’ values

Home » Lorch returns after renewed commitment to Pirates’ values

Orlando Pirates announced on Wednesday that star player Thembinkosi Lorch has returned from suspension.

The Soweto giants took swift action on November 22nd, suspending Lorch from all club activities pending an internal disciplinary hearing, following his assault conviction.

On the 21st of last month, Lorch was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for strangling and beating his then girlfriend Fundiswa Nokuphiwa Mathithibala back in September 2020.

However, the sentence was suspended for five years on condition that the attacker is not found guilty of committing a similar offence during the period of suspension. In addition to the sentence, the 30-year-old has ordered ordered to pay R100,000 to anti-GBV body People Opposing Women Abuse.

Lorch was also declared not fit to possess a firearm under the Firearms Control Act. In a statement, Pirates stated that Lorch is back to full club activities from his suspension.

Orlando Pirates player Thembinkosi Lorch return


“Lorch appeared before a Disciplinary Committee where he had to recommit to The Pledge,” reads the club statement. The club also explained its pledge in detail.

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“The Pledge:   At Orlando Pirates, we recognise: • That women are the base and children the future of our society. • That violence against women and children is like waging a war on ourselves as a nation. Therefore, at Orlando Pirates, we pledge: • To be vocal and speak out against violence targeted at women and children. • To be exemplary through our deeds and serve as role models. • To be supportive to women and children affected by violence. Like manners once did, violence is now shaping and obsessing our society. If we do not stop it, it will stop us, and our children will have a bleak future.”

Pirates also said that Lorch showed accountability for his previous actions and took substantial measures to address them while he was suspended “He willingly participated in a clinical evaluation and has committed to follow any recommended follow-up care. 

“Furthermore, Lorch has expressed his steadfast dedication to personal growth and is fully cognisant of the repercussions should he falter. “Thembinkosi Lorch has successfully completed his suspension and is now eligible to rejoin club activities, effective today.”

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